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How to show fireworks!!!Please tell he,she and they!!!
Safety Information

Safety Information

Fireworks are a great Chinese tradition, Cherish it, Protect it, By Playing SAFE!!!
Liuyang Ace Fireworks Mfg.Co.,Ltd concerns you and your family’s safety while it brings you an enjoy, please read the following instruction before a fireworks displaying.

1. Storage your fireworks safety, in a closed box, somewhere cool and dry, out of reach of children and animals, until the time they are needed, locked away is best.
2. Buy qualified fireworks from a reputable and reliable source. Always read and follow directions on the label.
3. Observe local laws and good common sense. Alcohol and fireworks do not mix.
4. Young children under aged 18 years old are never to be permitted to use fireworks!
5. Never point or throw fireworks at another person. Remember, an adult is always to be present when fireworks are used.
6. Never light more than one item at a time...Then move away quickly!
7. Never experiment with your fireworks either by making your own or adding anything to the manufactured ones.
8. Never carry fireworks in your pockets. Always use your fireworks outside in a clear area. Never inside a house, camper or any building, away from homes, dry grass and trees. Always have water handy.
9. Keep audience at least 10 meters back from the device for small displays, and at least 100-200 meters back for larger displays.
10. High winds will affect the quality of your display and may create a hazard. Be sure firing area has plenty of surrounding open space.
11. Light fireworks at arm’s length using a taper, never naked flare.
12. Never go back to see a fireworks once it has been lit.
13. After 20-30 minutes of the display, collect the spent fireworks with tongs or gloves.

©2004 Liuyang Ace Fireworks Mfg.Co.,Ltd All Right Reserved   ICP 05003314
http://www.acefireworks.com www.pyro.net.cn   E-mail: sales@acefireworks.com  acefireworks@hotmail.com
Address: Jinqiao Village,Guankou Office,Liuyang,Hunan,China