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How to show fireworks!!!Please tell he,she and they!!!
Safety Information

How to show fireworks!!!Please tell he,she and they!!!

#9 - Never try to relight an item that has malfunctioned or not shot. Stay clear of the item until you’re sure it is completely out.

#10 - Always read product labels and follow any special manufactures instructions.

#11 - Keep a pail of water or hose close by to use in case of fires. Better still is to have a water style fire extinguisher or backpack sprayer handy.

#12 - Beware of damaged fireworks as they are much more likely to malfunction.

#13 - Do not wear loose fitting or dangling clothing that can more easily catch fire.

#14 - Do not put devices that explode into metal or glass containers. Shrapnel can cause serious injuries

#15 - Be careful not to shoot fireworks too close to flammables or other areas such as dry woods / fields, buildings etc. that are easily set a fire.

#16 - Store fireworks in a cool dry place where they are secure from unauthorized use.

#17 - Do not carry fireworks in your pockets. If one happens to ignite severe burns may result.

#18 - It is a good idea when shooting fireworks to protect yourself from injury as much as possible. Using safety glasses as mentioned earlier is essential but other items like long sleeved shirts and long pants are also a good idea. Hardhats add further protection when shooting aerial items with lots of fallout.

#19 - Dispose of fireworks only after you are sure they completely out If needed spray them down with a hose or allow them to cool over night. Treat them much like you would fireplace / stove ashes.

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Address: Jinqiao Village,Guankou Office,Liuyang,Hunan,China